Manuales y guías para profesionales

Manuales y guías para profesionales

Materiales de intervención con familias

Aimed at professionals in primary health care, social services and education, this guide helps them to understand, treat and prevent FGM, approaching it from the angle of health education.


KAPLAN, Adriana & Grupo Interdisciplinar para la Prevención y el Estudio de las Prácticas Tradicionales Perjudiciales (GIPE/PTP), (2017) Mutilación Genital Femenina – Manual para Profesionales. Bellaterra, España: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (2ª edición).

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Drawing on twenty-five years’ experience of delivering public policies to support the immigrant population in Andalucía, the region’s Justice Ministry gave its backing to the preparation of a handbook for professionals involved in FGM prevention, to promote understanding, dialogue and good community relations, and to uphold the principles of gender equality and respect for difference.


KAPLAN, Adriana & Grupo Interdisciplinar para la Prevención y el
Estudio de las Prácticas Tradicionales Perjudiciales (GIPE/PTP), (2017) Mutilación Genital Femenina – Manual para Profesionales en Andalucía. Sevilla, España: Gandulfo Editores

WASSU-UAB FOUNDATION (2020). Guide for a non-stigmatizing language in the Media: Community proposal. Bellaterra: Fundación Wassu-UAB 


In this guide, aimed at communication professionals, we collect fragments of texts that have appeared in the media, some of the opinions of those who participated in this project, suggestions, reflections and words that can help make a difference in what we publish

FUNDACIÓN WASSU-UAB & WASSU GAMBIA KAFO (2020). Guide pour la prévention et la prise en charge des mutilations génitales féminines/Excision


KAPLAN, A.; HECHAVARRÍA, S.Y; PUPPO, N. (2017) Manual on Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting for health professionals, The Gambia. Bellaterra, Spain: UAB (3rd edition)


FUNDACIÓN WASSU-UAB & WASSU GAMBIA KAFO (2015). Manual for the managementand prevention of Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting for Health Professionals – Kenya

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FUNDACIÓN WASSU-UAB & WASSU GAMBIA KAFO (2015). Manual for the managementand prevention of Female Genital Mutilation/



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